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Electric Safety Tips for Farmington Winters

Dec 21, 2022

Get your electricity ready in Farmington NM for the winter!

Winter can be a challenging time to maintain electric safety, as colder weather and shorter days often lead to an increase in energy usage. It’s usually not the first thing on our To-Do List for the season but here are some tips to keep your home and family safe during the winter months:

  1. Inspect your electrical systems and appliances regularly: Look for frayed wires, loose connections, and damaged cords. If you notice any issues, take note of when and where you noticed them, and give us a call here at Nightlight Electric Company to come and repair anything that looks outdated or dangerous. 
  2. Use extension cords safely: Extension cords are a convenient way to provide power to hard-to-reach areas, especially with Christmas decorations, but they should only be used temporarily. If you need a permanent solution, have an electrician install additional outlets in areas where you find yourself using extension cords frequently.
  3. Be cautious when using space heaters: Did you know space heaters are a common source of wintertime fires? Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for prolonged use, how to use timers, and never leave a space heater unattended.
  4. Protect your home from the elements: Cold weather can be tough on your home's electrical systems. Make sure to keep snow and ice away from outdoor outlets and panel boxes, and consider installing weatherproof covers if you live in an area that is prone to wet or snowy weather.
  5. Keep flammable materials away from heat sources: This includes curtains, paper, and other combustibles. This is something you may be conscious of when you have small children but it’s a safety measure to practice even as your kids get older.
  6. Know the signs of an electrical emergency: If you notice sparks, smell burning, or hear buzzing or humming noises, turn off the power and call an electrician immediately.
  7. Have your home's electrical system inspected by a professional: If you haven't had your home's electrical system inspected in a while, now is the time to do it. An electrician can identify any issues and make necessary repairs to keep your home safe.
  8. Use caution when decorating: If you're hanging holiday lights, make sure to use proper outdoor-rated lights and extension cords, and never use nails or tacks to hang lights.

By following these electric safety tips, you can help keep your home and family safe during the winter months. If you have any concerns about the safety of your home's electrical systems, don't hesitate to contact Nightlight Electric Company to get you taken care of on any day at any time.

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